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姓 名: 严译员  [编号]:1649 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 机械 出生年月: 1980/11/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区:  
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 国际经济与贸易
毕业时间: 37779 毕业学校: 武汉科技大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 6级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 7 年
可翻译语种: 英语
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译
每周可提供服务时间: 时间安排比较自由
证书名称: CET6级
获证时间: 2001/6/1
获得分数: 优秀
工作时期: 2003/6/1--2009/10/1
公司名称: 湖北京山轻工机械股份有限公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 生产/加工/制造
所在部门: 国际贸易部
职位: 区域销售经理
自我评价: 工作6年,有3年多的海外工作经历。精通机械和国际贸易的翻译。
案例标题: 自荐书(原创)
原文: 姓名:严懿峰 男 年龄:28岁 学历:经济学学士 工作经历:2003年-2009年一直在一家大中型机电企业国际贸易部工作 职位描述:区域项目销售经理 薪资水平:9万 英文:6级 联系方式:13476115395,yyf19801106@hotmail.com 28岁有点尴尬的年龄,对于一个在一家公司里持续工作了6年的人来说,在事业上本应该是一个芝麻开花节节高的时候。然而此时我却要有点无奈的选者离开,来寻找一个更适合自己发展的机会和空间。其实原因也很简单,也正是因为28岁这个不大不小的年龄,自己的心也没有真正的老矣,不愿意在一个相对狭小封闭的空间里继续过着比较安逸而没有激情和奋进的生活。 回首这6年来的工作历程,自己学到了不少的东西。03年刚刚迈出大学校门,就应聘到了湖北京山轻工机械股份有限公司国际贸易部,而且在这里扎根一干就是6个年头。由于03年的时候,公司的国际贸易部还处于一个初级的发展阶段,很多新的市场和新海外分公司都正在建立中。因此,我们这些刚毕业的新人有了很多机会。03年的8月到公司报道,从8月到12月底,在公司总部的生产部门一线实习了4个多月,抱着认真刻苦的学习态度,基本上了解了在那个时候可以掌握的关于公司产品和企业文化的一个梗概。 从12月底被正式抽调到国际贸易部,至04年4月一直从事跟单工作。04年5月有了第一个出国的机会,目的地是非洲国家尼日利亚去完成一个当时的该国总统奥巴桑乔的合作项目。对于这次旅程,自己是抱着惴惴不安的心理去的。毕竟是头一次远离自己熟悉的一切,去到一个陌生的国家。而且在自己的观念里,非洲是一个很神秘又充满危险的大地。在那里和几个其他部门的同事一起度过了108个日日夜夜,作为国际贸易部的代表,作为一个第一次出国的新手,比较好的完成了一个较大项目的协调工作。以至于,时隔大半年后我刚从土耳其回来,客户还在老总那里夸赞我的工作比以前的同事做的好。其实仔细想想,那个时候的工作室比较缺乏技巧的,至于为什么能赢得客户的好评,我想是因为自己的个性问题,那时候总抱着与人为善,多为对方着想一点的思想在做事情,这里面即包括对外的客户和对内的自己团队里的人。 接下来的工作就是根据需要到不同的区域和分公司去,除俄罗斯公司外,几乎去过所有的海外分公司的区域。做的事情也很杂,出国安装过项目,参加过各种展会,做过业务拓展。回想在这工作的几年里,和各色各样的人接触过,自己学会最多的东西就是如何和人打交道。如何在满足客户需求和实现自己公司的利益的最大化之间找到一个合理的平衡点。做事情也不是只会被动的去执行,而是在倾听和尽可能多的了解情况的基础上去对不同的事情有一个基本的判断,找到解决问题的关键点。是我职责和能力范围内的事情,自己会努力的想办法解决。超出自己职责和能力范围的事情,会向自己的领导请示,申请更多的资源来协调。当然这种资源的争取不是简单的把问题当包袱甩个领导,而是有切实可行的分析和各种处理方式所能带来的结果的一个反馈。 优点:1、比较能吃苦耐劳,但是希望这种付出是能够得到应该有的重视和回馈的。不一定是物质上的,但是会让自己相信自己的决定和付出是值得的。去过很多环境比较艰苦的国家,如非洲、印度等,呆的时间也较长。 2、能持之以恒的扎根到企业中去,能够比较快的融入到一个团队里去。28岁的年纪,经历过一些事情,有着比较好的心态,也知道在一些情况里如何来调整好自己的心态。不会被动的去适应,而是会主动的去接受。知道在一个企业文化里生存的基本之道,不与上级争名,不与同级争功,不与下级争利。 3、善于动脑筋,有自己的思维。遇到问题,会自己先来分析判断,有一个基本的意见才会上自己的领导去汇报,给领导的是选者决策的权利,而不是解决问题的苦恼。 4、有一定的工作经验,工作涉猎的范围比较广,手里有一些客户资源。工作涉及到外贸流程的所有阶段,从前期的客户接触,项目介绍,业务跟踪,合同签订,合同的后期执行,货物发运,项目的安装交付,后期的售后服务。 5、积极乐观向上。个性比较开朗,性格比较直爽,能够开诚布公的和他人交往。个人人文,同一个企业里什么人都会有,不指望和每一个人都能做朋友。但是会和工作环境里的每一个人以朋友相待,毕竟大家在同一个企业里工作,有着共同的奋斗目标。 6、求知欲比较强。闲暇之余,看专业书还是自己的一个必修课。 缺点:1、由于工作的流动性比较大,对于一些具体操作性的工作只通不精。由于所在的公司是一个中大型企业,所有的人员分工比较明确比较细致。对于自己平时工作所涉猎比较少的事情,不是很深入的了解。但是所学的专业是国际贸易,基本功还是比较扎实,会不断的加强自身专业知识的学习和积累。 2、由于公司所买卖的产品室中大型项目设备,采用的贸易和结算方式比较单一,主要以信用证和TT结合为主。所以在实际的国际贸易操作实务这一块还有所欠缺。可以通过更多的具体的实际业务操作,积累经验。 3、思想上有一定的惰性。当在一个工作环境里适应稳定下来后,会比较长时间的停留在一种工作状态中。有一个好的发展空间和平台,不断的有新的工作的挑战,会始终保持工作的热情。 4、销售技巧和业务拓展的能力还有待提高。现在是一个做人做事的体会比从书本上的知识背会更重要的时代,在加强知识积累的同时,会更加关注自身的全面素质的提高和情商的修炼。 自我评价:可塑性比较强,具备的专业商务人员的素质。需要更系统、更专业的职业化培训。狼性不足,作为销售人员的主动性还有待提高。 未来的期望:希望得到一个开始新的工作的平台,为自己争取更大的发展空间,提升自己的个人素质。同时也通过自己努力的工作,为企业的发展做出一定的贡献。 工作经历介绍(样板,印度) 背景介绍: 时间:2007年 区域:印度 职位:印度办事处副经理(当时,印度办事处并未在当地注册,所以只有负责新德里和孟买业务的副经理2名) 团队人员:业务助理2名,技术人员3名(常住) 办事处地址:1 st Floor, N-136, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi, India 工作区域:德里周边的20多家客户,以及东部的沿海城市 销售目标:400万美元(整个印度办事处) 工作思路:1锁定目标客户。印度地域广大,有上千家的纸箱厂,但上规模的主要集中在德里和孟买的周边城市以及沿海城市。根据我们的产品在市场中的定位,我们将目标客户锁定在大多数的中档客户和少量的低档客户。争取让手中有限的资源发挥到最大的效益2 突出我们本地化的销售优势,和国内同行业的产品比质量,比价格,单更突出本地化的差异化服务。3)突出大中型项目顾问式销售的特点,针对不同需求的客户,拿出不同的解决方案。 工作职责: 1、市场信息的收集:1)本地区经济、政治、社会生活等多多方面的情况了解。特别是金融政策、银行资信、利率等于客户购买密切相关的信息2)通过客户和本行业协会了解本地的市场动态,协助总公司制定本区域的销售战略和目标3)竞争对手的信息收集和市场战略分析。4)建立目标客户的数据库,为以后本地化工作的标准化和统一化打下基础。5)提交市场营销报告 2、业务管理:1)销售目标的分解。对于当年公司提出的销售业绩,具体落实到每一个业务人员,落实到每一个具体的客户,由专人跟踪,根据MFI (市场营销综合指数)来指导具体的销售跟进。2)对于以往的未收账款,要由专人随时跟踪,建立5级预警机制,对于不同周期的未收款项采取不同的措施。3)根据当地的法律和商务习惯规范合同等商业往来文本,尽量做到在前期业务洽谈中不留下漏洞。 3、新市场的开拓:1)客户拜访2)公司和产品宣传包括参加专业展会,在专业杂志上做广告,参加协会年会等.3)通过各种联谊活动建立人脉,运用灵活方式寻找合作伙伴和多样化的销售模式比如代理、国际租赁、预售、赊销等。 在印度每年的7月7-10号我们会参加在新德里Pragati Maidan会展中心举办的“India corrugated and printing show”(印度瓦楞包装展)。会出席印度瓦楞包装协会在每年12月中旬召开的年会。会介绍和陪同客户参加每年在上海举行的励华国际包装展。我们定期的在印度最畅销的权威专业杂志“Flexo & Gravure Asia”. 上刊登广告。 4、老客户的关系维护:1)定期的客户回访2)提供上门维修服务3)提供一些辅助原材料的采购帮助 4)给于生产工艺上的技术指导 5)操作人员的培训6)建立配件库为客户提供常用易损配件。 5、办事处管理:1)人员分工明确和工作制度规范。2)办事处硬件建设,固定资产的管理。3)人员的培训,理论知识的学习和具体的业务操作相结合,并强调突出为客户服务意识。 6、费用控制:年初会根据该市场的情况制定切实合理的销售预算。办事处内部严格遵守财务管理制度,采用钱帐由2个人分别管理,严格做到每一笔费用都透明、公开。 总结:2007年,印度办事处工签订合同10个,销售金额380万美元。 其中有以下大的合同 JSITCC07102号合同 VIDEOCON INTERATIONAL LIMITED AURANGABAD (噢润噶吧德) WJ150-1800五层瓦楞纸板生产线 YKB(II) -3色印刷开槽机 2台 JSITCC07105合同 PERFECT PACK LIMITED New Delhi (新德里) WJ100-1600 五层瓦楞纸板生产线 YKB (II)-3色1200X2400 印刷开槽机 JSITCC07108合同 UNIT PACKAGING PVT LTD PUNE (普纳) WJ200-1800 五层瓦楞纸板生产线 No.JSITCC07110合同 FIXITY PACKAGING INDS PVT LTD MUMBAI (孟买) WJ200-1800 五层纸板生产线 感谢您认真的阅读 结束
译文: Name: YAN YIFENG Sex: M Age: 28 Degree: bachelor of economics English Level: CET 6 (proficiency in communication) Salary: 90,000RMB/year Mobile: +86 13476115395 E-mail: yyf19801106@hotmail.com Career Brief: Aug 2003- Now Regional project & sales manager / international trade department Work place: WUHAN Subordinate staff: 2 Job and performance description The past jobs cover all the processes of international trade from the preliminary customer contact, project introduction, business following-up, contract conclude, contract execution, delivery, project installation, after-sales services .Have been abroad in India, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Vietnam, UAE and etc for different business activities and projects. The age of 28 would have placed me in embarrassment, for someone who has been working in one company more than 6 years that would be mean promising career prospective while I can’t help but to choose leave for much more opportunities and rooms. The reason is also very simple just because of the age 28 to me who in the intersections of the life, but the young blood is still lingering. I don’t expect to continue the life cozy but along with boringness and non-forwardness in a comparatively isolated environment. To review the six years of career, I have learned so much from it. It’s 2003 that I just graduated from university and recruited by HUBEI JINGSHAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY Co. Ltd to work in the international trade department until now for six years. At that time, the international trade department is also in primitive stage as well as so many new regional markets and oversea branch are in the process of establishment. So, it’s very lucky for the green-hand like me to be available with many opportunities to develop. From August to the end of December, I was arranged to work in production department of headquarter on exercitation. With the earnest and rigid attitude in working, I have generally understood all kinds of products and the gist of corporation culture. Since the end of December, I have formally worked in international trade department and my assignment is to follow up the relatively subsequent matters of the signed contract. May of 2004, it’s the first time for me travel abroad and the destination is Nigeria to proceed one project cooperated with one company owned by President of this nation Mr.Obasanjo. It’s an apprehensive trip before departure, the first time leave china to a totally unknown country. In my original conception, Africa is a continent very wonderful but perilous. In Nigeria, 108 days with my team came from different sectors in my company. As representative of international trade department as well as a freshman who first time worked oversea, I play a good role in coordination of this big project among various sides. My work is also impressive and well-recognized by customer so the praises were still received after half year I came back from Turkey for another project. Retrospect details of the project, I am unskilled at that time but my personality act critically in my excellence. Have a good relationship whit others and think more for others is my motive which be consistent with all the things with my team and customer. Consequently, I was designated to all the regions and oversea subsidiary office except Russia. During this period, my job was assorted from project installation, exhibition participation, marketing expansion and etc. This six-year make me contact with people of all walks of life, the most benefit to me is to know how to get along with them. To find the balance between the basis of customers’ demand and maximization of the profit for my company is the key factor. If you want to do something well, the best way is to listen others and then think by yourself to have basic opinions and judgements to define the problems instead of passive implementation ordered by others. If I can do within my power, I will do my best to find better solutions. Otherwise, I will report my superior to apply more resources to reconcile. To apply more resources, it not just mean to raise the problems to your superior but also a feedback based on feasible analysis and different results induced by various actions. Merits: 1 work very hard and endurably. I hope the hard work will be worth of your much attentions and responds, it’s not bound to be returned in substance but should be convinced my decision and efforts is worthy. 2 rooted in one company and be intermixed with one team in comparatively short time. The age of 28, have experienced a lot in life and ground to a good mood, meanwhile I also understand how to be adapted under different circumstance. I will not be in passive adaption while to accommodate actively. “Don’t strive for fame with superior, don’t contend credit with your equals, don’t struggle benefit with subordinate.” This is motto I bear in mind. 3 Be liable thinking and have own idea. If the problems occurred, I will judge and analyses at first. When report to superior, I just give him some situation to decide instead of bothering him with problems. 4 with work experience and the job is range wildly as well as back with some customer resources. The past jobs cover all the processes of international trade from the preliminary contact, project introduction, business following-up, contract conclude, delivery, project installation, after-sales services and etc. 5 Be Active and optimistic. Open and straightforward personality makes me treat everyone broadly In one enterprise, there are various peoples with different personality that is not possible for you to make friend with each one, But you can treat everyone friendly, after all you are working in the same environment with the same striving target. 6 Be eager to learn more. In spare time, extensive reading is still my compulsory. Shortcomings: 1 Because the fluidity in assorted jobs, some details about the operative works is not very accomplished in. Because of working in a large size company and the assignments for each is distinct and particular. There are not so many chances to be involved in routine affairs not within the scope of my jobs. However, the international trade and business is my major in university so the basic knowledge is firmly and I will keep accumulation about specialty. 2 The machinery in now company is normally the large-medium size project, the trading mode is comparatively collective in T/T and L/C. Therefore, I am a little deficiency in the actual operations of international trade. This weakness can be overcome by more operations accumulation in practice. 3 The inertia in thoughts. When be adapted in one working environment and you will be moored in a lasting status. If you have some good opportunities and developing rooms, facing continues challenges in work that will keep you in passion all the time. 4 Sales skill and knowhow need to be further enhanced. Presently, we live in a era that the experiences from day by day is more important than the knowledge recited from book. To increment the accumulation of knowledge from book as well as focus much on the enhancement of overall makings and EQ promotion. Self Appraise: be strong in personal plasticity and be qualified as specialty staff of commerce. Need more systematic and professional training. Be less aggressive like wolf and should be more active as salesman. Prospective expectations: looking forward to a new developing platform to shoot for more and larger growth room to advance personal makings. Meanwhile, through the hard work to contributed more to the company. Work experience introduction for sample Background introduction Year: 2007 Region: India Job title: Vice manager of Indian branch office (at that time, the branch office is not incorporated in local, with 2 vice manager in charge of sales in New Delhi and Mumbai respectively) Team: 2 business assistant and 3 technicians Office location: 1 st Floor, N-136, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi, India Radiation area: 20 customers around New Delhi and the cities in east coast. Sales target; 4 million for Indian Branch office Working perception:1 the exact definition of targeted customers. India is country of large territory with more than one thousands of carton factories, but the big and medium size carton factories are converged in some coastal cities or the cities circled Delhi and Mumbai In light of marketing position of our products, we staple the most medium factories and few of small size factories as our sales target. This can make us maximize our sales performance with comparatively limited sources. 2 strengthen remarkable advantage of local marketing strategy, we compete with other domestic suppliers in price, quality but more stress on the difference of instant local services 3 according to the various demands of customers, we offer them with different sales solutions in consultant mode. Job Description: 1 marketing information collection: 1) the general information about the economy, politic, social customers, culture, etc. Especially, the fiscal policy, banking credit, interest rate which be closely related to customers’ purchase. 2) Comprehend the marketing dynamic development through the contact with customers and guild and assist headquarter to frame regional marketing strategy. 3) Information and strategy analysis about competitors in this area. 4) Establish the database of customers laying the groundwork for standardization in long term. 5) Submission of local marketing report. 2 Business management: 1) Break up the sales target and assign to each salesman to accomplish. Conduct the business activities with the guide of MFI (Market Multi-factor Index). 2) Regarding the receivable account, the special staff will be designated to follow up. Set up the 5-class risk alarm system to supervise financial danger and adopt different measures to the receivable account in view of the diverse terms. 3) In compliance with local laws and commercial rules to formulate the standard and uniform contract version, so the flaws in preliminary commercial negotiation can be avoided effectively. 3 Market expansion:1) Customer visiting 2) Propagation of company and products including the exhibition, advertisement on all kinds of specialty journal, participation of the annual convention of guild and associations. 3) Establish the extensive relationship with people of all walks of life to seek the diversified cooperative patterns such as agency, lease, open account, consignment, etc. In India, we will take part in the 1 st Floor, N-136, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi, India in Pragati Maidan center, New Delhi each year from 7-10 of July. We are also present in the annual meeting hold by Indian corrugated package association in the middle of December. We also introduce and accompany our customers to attend the Sino-corrugated Exhibition in SHANGHAI. The periodic advertisement published in the best sell and most authoritative specialty Journal “Flexo & Gravure Asia”. 4 Customers’ relationship maintenance: 1) regular visit 2) on site machinery repair and service 3) assistance in auxiliary material procurement 4) technological instruction in routine production 5) operation training 6) the constant supply for easily worn-out spare parts. 5 Routine management of branch office: 1) distinct assignments for each and normative office operational regulation 2) office appliance procurement and capital assets management. 3) Team training. It combines the theory study with practical business work and fosters the professional sense of service. 6 Expenses control: At the beginning of each year, we will plan a feasible and rational sales budget. In branch office, we are adhere to the strict finance stipulation that money and account is responsible by two people individually. For each expense, we will assure it used in open and apparent way. Conclusion: 2007, the Indian branch office singed five contract with value about 3.8 million USD Contract No. JSITCC 07102 VIDEOCON INTERATIONAL LIMITED AURANGABAD WJ150-1800 Double Wall Corrugated Production Line YKB (II)- 3 S 1600X2800 Printer Slotter x 2 Contract No.JSITCC07105 PERFECT PACK LIMITED New Delhi WJ100-1600 Double Wall Corrugated Production Line YKB(II)-3 S 1200X2400 Printer Slotter Contract No.JSITCC07108 UNIT PACKAGING PVT LTD PUNE WJ200-1800 Double Wall Corrugated Production Line Contract No.JSITCC07110 FIXITY PACKAGING INDS PVT LTD MUMBAI WJ200-1800 Double Wall Corrugated Production Line Thanks for your intensive reading! The End
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