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姓 名: 金译员  [编号]:3007 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 英汉同传 出生年月: 1986/10/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 北京 北京
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 英汉同传
毕业时间: 2011 毕业学校: 北外高翻
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专八
口译等级: 同传 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 北京 北京
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译
每周可提供服务时间: 基本上都可以
证书名称: 英语专八
获证时间: 2009/4/1
获得分数: 67
证书名称: 英语专八
获证时间: 2009/4/1
获得分数: 67
工作时期: 2010/9/1--2010/10/1
公司名称: 商务部
公司性质: 国营企业
所属行业: 在校学生
所在部门: 世贸司
职位: 翻译
自我评价: 交传成绩得到了领导的认可
工作时期: 2010/9/1--2010/10/1
公司名称: 商务部
公司性质: 国营企业
所属行业: 在校学生
所在部门: 世贸司
职位: 翻译
自我评价: 成绩得到领导的赏识
案例标题: 年轻人二十几岁的说话技巧
原文: Talking to a professor–out of genuine curiosity, a genuine interest in learning, a genuine desire to improve–is one of the smartest things a college student can do. While some professors are genuinely unapproachable, many are happy to talk to students. Here are five points to consider when you’re talking to a professor. 1. Be mannerly. Before asking “What are your office hours?” check your syllabus. If hours aren’t listed or won’t work, ask your professor when he or she can meet with you. A reasonable professor will understand that office hours cannot accommodate every student’s schedule. When you arrive, knock on the door, even if it’s open, and greet your professor by name. I’m always slightly amazed when a student walks into my office without saying a word and waits for me to say something. If my back is to the door, it’s downright weird. 2. If you’re coming in to talk because you’re having difficulty in a course, there are a few familiar sentences to avoid: “Will this affect my grade?” Whatever “this” is, it will play a part in your grade. How much or how little depends upon the rest of your work. “Can I still get a B?” This question will usually lead a professor to think that your grade-point average, not learning, is your priority. “I’m an A student.” Grade inflation is widespread, and some of those As may not be the most accurate evaluations of your work. Even if they are, your professor won’t grade you on the basis of your reputation. 3. If you are having difficulty in a course, let your professor know that you realize it, and ask what you can do to improve. When I talk with students, I find that it’s almost always possible to offer specific suggestions that can make the work go better. These suggestions often involve common-sense life hacks unrelated to course content: Move your alarm clock away from your bed. Use Post-it notes to mark up the reading. Get a planner. Break a big task into smaller tasks. Hit Control-F to find each coordinating conjunction and decide whether it needs a comma. 4. If you want to talk to a professor in some other way–about a question that you didn’t get to ask in class or an idea that you want to discuss–just do the best you can. Your professor will very likely meet your genuine interest with kindness and encouragement. (If not, find another professor!) 5. Ending the conversation can be tricky. Some professors will wrap things up for you, while others will be happy to just keep talking. In other words, a signal that you’re “dismissed” may not be coming. So don’t hesitate to take the initiative in bringing the conversation to an end, especially if you have other obligations. Some of my best college memories are of talking with my professors in their offices. I was a shy kid (still am!), and I treasured the chance to ask questions and try out ideas during office hours. Sitting with my coat and books piled on the floor, I found my way into the possibilities of genuine intellectual dialogue. You can do that too.
译文: 译文流畅通达 在学校能做的最聪明的事之一,就是向教授请教问题,当然前提是你对知识抱有浓厚的兴趣和好奇心,希望自己取得进步。虽然有些教授确实不那么平易近人,但是很多教授还是喜欢和学生们交流的。当你和教授交谈时,以下是五点建议: 1.有礼貌。在询问教授“您的接待时间是什么时候?”之前,要先检查一下自己的时间表。如果时间不合适的话,就询问教授什么时候他有时间和你见面。任何理性的老师都知道,自己的接待时间表是不适合所有的同学的。 到教授办公室后,即使门是开着的,也要敲门,然后以姓名相称(国外不分长幼,都是直呼其名)。我经常感到很惊奇,有学生走进我的办公室,一声不吭,就在那等着。特别是我背对着门的时候,看不见他,真的让人感到很奇怪。 2. 如果你是因为在某一科上有困难来问教授问题,那么接下来的几句话是要避免问的: “这会影响我的成绩吗?”不管指代词“这”到底指的是什么,它还是会影响你的成绩,在多大程度上就看你接下来的表现了。 “我还能得个B吗?”这个问题通常会让教授觉得,你关心的是你的平均成绩的高低,而不是学习本身。 “我可是个全A生”。现在分数膨胀的现象很普遍,有些“A”并没有最真实得反映你的功课。即使你确实是个全A生,但是教授还是不会根据你说的来判分的。 3. 如果你在某一科上学习存在困难,要让教授知道你已经认识到了这点,然后向他请教你应该怎么样才能提高。当和学生交流的时候,我发现自己通常都能给学生提出具体建议,使事情能够取得进展,而且这些都是日常生活中和学习内容无关的一些建议:把闹钟从床头移开,贴便利纸条记住自己读到哪了,做好计划,把大的任务分成一个个小任务,按Control-F键找到关系连词,在看看这里需不需要添加个逗号。 4.如果课堂上你有问题没来得及问,或者是你有个想法想和教授沟通,那就尽力而为,好好沟通。教授们都会很和蔼可亲,努力满足你学习的兴趣,并且还会鼓励你(如果你的教授不是这样的话,那就向两外一位教授请教)。 5.结束对话的方式也充满着技巧。有些教授可能自己会作总结,但是也有些呢一直再将。也就是说,你不会看到“今天的谈话到此结束”之类的信号。所以,在结束对话上不要犹豫不决,特别是你还有其他的事情的时候。 在办公室和教授交流的经历,成了我大学中最美的回忆之一。那时我是个腼腆的学生(现在仍然是),但是我很珍惜这样的机会,能在教授的接待时间内问问题、动脑筋。我坐在地上,外套和书堆在地上,通过这种方式,我找到了自己通向学术谈话的途径。你也可以这样做的。
案例标题: 年轻人二十几岁的说话技巧
原文: Talking to a professor–out of genuine curiosity, a genuine interest in learning, a genuine desire to improve–is one of the smartest things a college student can do. While some professors are genuinely unapproachable, many are happy to talk to students. Here are five points to consider when you’re talking to a professor. 1. Be mannerly. Before asking “What are your office hours?” check your syllabus. If hours aren’t listed or won’t work, ask your professor when he or she can meet with you. A reasonable professor will understand that office hours cannot accommodate every student’s schedule. When you arrive, knock on the door, even if it’s open, and greet your professor by name. I’m always slightly amazed when a student walks into my office without saying a word and waits for me to say something. If my back is to the door, it’s downright weird. 2. If you’re coming in to talk because you’re having difficulty in a course, there are a few familiar sentences to avoid: “Will this affect my grade?” Whatever “this” is, it will play a part in your grade. How much or how little depends upon the rest of your work. “Can I still get a B?” This question will usually lead a professor to think that your grade-point average, not learning, is your priority. “I’m an A student.” Grade inflation is widespread, and some of those As may not be the most accurate evaluations of your work. Even if they are, your professor won’t grade you on the basis of your reputation. 3. If you are having difficulty in a course, let your professor know that you realize it, and ask what you can do to improve. When I talk with students, I find that it’s almost always possible to offer specific suggestions that can make the work go better. These suggestions often involve common-sense life hacks unrelated to course content: Move your alarm clock away from your bed. Use Post-it notes to mark up the reading. Get a planner. Break a big task into smaller tasks. Hit Control-F to find each coordinating conjunction and decide whether it needs a comma. 4. If you want to talk to a professor in some other way–about a question that you didn’t get to ask in class or an idea that you want to discuss–just do the best you can. Your professor will very likely meet your genuine interest with kindness and encouragement. (If not, find another professor!) 5. Ending the conversation can be tricky. Some professors will wrap things up for you, while others will be happy to just keep talking. In other words, a signal that you’re “dismissed” may not be coming. So don’t hesitate to take the initiative in bringing the conversation to an end, especially if you have other obligations. Some of my best college memories are of talking with my professors in their offices. I was a shy kid (still am!), and I treasured the chance to ask questions and try out ideas during office hours. Sitting with my coat and books piled on the floor, I found my way into the possibilities of genuine intellectual dialogue. You can do that too.
译文: 译文流畅通达 在学校能做的最聪明的事之一,就是向教授请教问题,当然前提是你对知识抱有浓厚的兴趣和好奇心,希望自己取得进步。虽然有些教授确实不那么平易近人,但是很多教授还是喜欢和学生们交流的。当你和教授交谈时,以下是五点建议: 1.有礼貌。在询问教授“您的接待时间是什么时候?”之前,要先检查一下自己的时间表。如果时间不合适的话,就询问教授什么时候他有时间和你见面。任何理性的老师都知道,自己的接待时间表是不适合所有的同学的。 到教授办公室后,即使门是开着的,也要敲门,然后以姓名相称(国外不分长幼,都是直呼其名)。我经常感到很惊奇,有学生走进我的办公室,一声不吭,就在那等着。特别是我背对着门的时候,看不见他,真的让人感到很奇怪。 2. 如果你是因为在某一科上有困难来问教授问题,那么接下来的几句话是要避免问的: “这会影响我的成绩吗?”不管指代词“这”到底指的是什么,它还是会影响你的成绩,在多大程度上就看你接下来的表现了。 “我还能得个B吗?”这个问题通常会让教授觉得,你关心的是你的平均成绩的高低,而不是学习本身。 “我可是个全A生”。现在分数膨胀的现象很普遍,有些“A”并没有最真实得反映你的功课。即使你确实是个全A生,但是教授还是不会根据你说的来判分的。 3. 如果你在某一科上学习存在困难,要让教授知道你已经认识到了这点,然后向他请教你应该怎么样才能提高。当和学生交流的时候,我发现自己通常都能给学生提出具体建议,使事情能够取得进展,而且这些都是日常生活中和学习内容无关的一些建议:把闹钟从床头移开,贴便利纸条记住自己读到哪了,做好计划,把大的任务分成一个个小任务,按Control-F键找到关系连词,在看看这里需不需要添加个逗号。 4.如果课堂上你有问题没来得及问,或者是你有个想法想和教授沟通,那就尽力而为,好好沟通。教授们都会很和蔼可亲,努力满足你学习的兴趣,并且还会鼓励你(如果你的教授不是这样的话,那就向两外一位教授请教)。 5.结束对话的方式也充满着技巧。有些教授可能自己会作总结,但是也有些呢一直再将。也就是说,你不会看到“今天的谈话到此结束”之类的信号。所以,在结束对话上不要犹豫不决,特别是你还有其他的事情的时候。 在办公室和教授交流的经历,成了我大学中最美的回忆之一。那时我是个腼腆的学生(现在仍然是),但是我很珍惜这样的机会,能在教授的接待时间内问问题、动脑筋。我坐在地上,外套和书堆在地上,通过这种方式,我找到了自己通向学术谈话的途径。你也可以这样做的。
口译项目简介: 2010年9月中旬,商务部世贸司和WTO秘书处举办的会议,担任大会的交传议员
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