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姓 名: 易译员  [编号]:38 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 机械、化工 出生年月: 1982/3/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 中山
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 37447 毕业学校: 北京外国语学院
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 8
口译等级: 4 工作经历: 3 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 中山
可提供服务类型: 口译, 家教
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2001/7/1
获得分数: 80
工作时期: 2003/4/1--2009/2/1
公司名称: 浙江省嘉和工具有限公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 生产/加工/制造
所在部门: 销售
职位: 经理
自我评价: 工作細緻、守時守信
案例标题: 宁波攀驰贸易操作规程
原文: 各公司先通过供应商下达采购订单。接着关于订单的说明与供应商采购订单的复印件一起送交GP。提供给GP的说明包括:交货、图纸(如果需要)以及各个质量检验程序,如100%硬度、100%环规、化学、机械、低温冲击试验等。 1. Each company will place a purchase order with the supplier. In turn, an instruction will be sent to GP together with a copy of the supplier purchase order. The instruction to GP must include: delivery, drawing (if necessary) and each quality inspection process, i.e. 100% hardness, 100% ring gauge, chemical, mechanical, Charpy, etc., etc. 在开始时,GP需要得到一些关于每批订单抽检的数量、首检和末检等的指导。 At the outset, GP will need some guidance on how many out of each batch should be inspected, together with first off and last off inspection. BSW已经将《取样计划》交给GP以及他的外派检验员供其在检验过程中使用。同时各集团公司仍有义务将检验说明交与GP时,说明应当使用的《取样计划》。 BSW has circulated the Sampling Plans to be used by GP and his external inspectors in their inspection process, but it is the individual Group Companies’ responsibility to specify which Sampling Plan is to be used when they send the inspection instruction to GP. 2. 所有由PHIT进行的测试都应当由PHIT自行承担费用。所有所需的外部测试的费用将会由PHIT支付,PHIT则相应地向相关公司收取。项目建立和运行所需的费用资金由PHIT支付。 2. All tests carried out at PHIT will be absorbed by PHIT. All external tests required will be paid for by PHIT and will be charged forward accordingly. The set up and ongoing costs for this project will be funded by PHIT. 3. 依照工作量以及项目进行的状况,另行聘用检验员的决定需由BSW和PE共同批准。 3. Dependant upon workload, on an ongoing basis the employment of any additional inspectors will be mutually agreed by BSW and PE. 4. 此系统极有可能不包括向宁波Fourway下达的订单,原因是其可能不允许PHIT参观其工作的工厂。 4. There is a strong possibility that this system will exclude all orders placed with Ningbo Fourway as it is likely he will not allow PHIT to visit the factories he works with.
译文: 各公司先通过供应商下达采购订单。接着关于订单的说明与供应商采购订单的复印件一起送交GP。提供给GP的说明包括:交货、图纸(如果需要)以及各个质量检验程序,如100%硬度、100%环规、化学、机械、低温冲击试验等。 1. Each company will place a purchase order with the supplier. In turn, an instruction will be sent to GP together with a copy of the supplier purchase order. The instruction to GP must include: delivery, drawing (if necessary) and each quality inspection process, i.e. 100% hardness, 100% ring gauge, chemical, mechanical, Charpy, etc., etc. 在开始时,GP需要得到一些关于每批订单抽检的数量、首检和末检等的指导。 At the outset, GP will need some guidance on how many out of each batch should be inspected, together with first off and last off inspection. BSW已经将《取样计划》交给GP以及他的外派检验员供其在检验过程中使用。同时各集团公司仍有义务将检验说明交与GP时,说明应当使用的《取样计划》。 BSW has circulated the Sampling Plans to be used by GP and his external inspectors in their inspection process, but it is the individual Group Companies’ responsibility to specify which Sampling Plan is to be used when they send the inspection instruction to GP. 2. 所有由PHIT进行的测试都应当由PHIT自行承担费用。所有所需的外部测试的费用将会由PHIT支付,PHIT则相应地向相关公司收取。项目建立和运行所需的费用资金由PHIT支付。 2. All tests carried out at PHIT will be absorbed by PHIT. All external tests required will be paid for by PHIT and will be charged forward accordingly. The set up and ongoing costs for this project will be funded by PHIT. 3. 依照工作量以及项目进行的状况,另行聘用检验员的决定需由BSW和PE共同批准。 3. Dependant upon workload, on an ongoing basis the employment of any additional inspectors will be mutually agreed by BSW and PE. 4. 此系统极有可能不包括向宁波Fourway下达的订单,原因是其可能不允许PHIT参观其工作的工厂。 4. There is a strong possibility that this system will exclude all orders placed with Ningbo Fourway as it is likely he will not allow PHIT to visit the factories he works with.
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