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姓 名: 孙译员  [编号]:3981 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 经贸、石油等 出生年月: 1982/7/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 北京 北京
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 语言学与应用语言学
毕业时间: 2012 毕业学校: 对外经济贸易大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专八
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 9 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 北京 北京
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 笔译 每天3000字 口译,最好仅周末 外语家教,下午5点后
证书名称: 硕士学位证书
获证时间: 2012/6/1
获得分数: 合格
工作时期: 2005/8/1--2013/1/1
公司名称: 北京市丰台区质量技术监督局
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 质控/安检
所在部门: 财务
职位: 出纳
自我评价: AgoodcommanderofbothwrittenandoralEnglish
案例标题: 油气论坛——王涛博士在2008中国国际能源论坛上的演讲
原文: 提高能源效率 发展清洁能源 促进可持续发展 ——王涛博士在2008中国国际能源论坛上的演讲 王涛博士 世界石油理事会中国国家委员会主任 2008中国国际能源论坛组委会主任 尊敬的各位来宾;女士们、先生们: 大家早上好! 由世界石油理事会中国国家委员会、世界能源理事会中国国家委员会和国务院参事室联合主办的《2008中国国际能源论坛》,经过近一年时间的筹备,今天在这里开幕了。我谨代表本届论坛的组委会向与会的各位嘉宾、各位代表表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的谢意。 经过反复酝酿和充分讨论,我们确定本届论坛的主题是:提高能源效率,发展清洁能源。 自20世纪下半叶以来,尤其是进入21世纪,随着人类社会和经济的发展与科学技术的进步,做为经济与技术发展动力的能源需求数量与日俱增。特别是亚洲、拉美等发展中国家几个新兴经济体的经济持续快速增长,能源需求更加旺盛。而化石能源的大量消耗,导致全球气候变暖等环境问题也日益突显。解决能源安全和能源消费与环境保护相协调的问题,已成为人类社会在历史新时期共同面临的一个严峻挑战。 从目前全球经济发展来看,最现实、最有效、最经济的能源供给,仍以化石燃料为主体。据世界能源机构(IEA)的最新统计,2005年世界一次能源消费构成:煤炭25.3%,石油35%,天然气20.5%,核电6.3%,水电2.2%,生物质能为10.1%,其余0.6%左右为新能源和可再生能源。这种情况在可以预见的未来基本上是不会改变的。依靠国际高油价推动着石油可替代能源诸如水能、生物质能、太阳能、风能等可再生能源的加快发展,但在近期世界能源结构中所占比例仍然是很小的。据他们预测,到2030年,在世界一次能源消费结构中,煤炭、石油、天然气等化石燃料仍然占据一次能源消费总量的82%,其中石油天然气占43.8%,但是,20多年后有没有足够的资源来保证这一需求,这是人们普遍关心的问题。在刚刚结束的第19届世界石油大会上,一些报告给我们提供了十分重要的信息,据美国联邦地质调查局(USGS)对世界石油资源的评估,认为迄今为止,全世界已采出的石油为1万亿bbl(约合1500亿t),正在开采的剩余可采储量有1万亿bbl(1670亿t);正在勘探可能找到的还有1万亿bbl(已经找到2000亿bbl)。更有乐观的估计,认为全球尚待勘探的油气资源量共有5万亿-7 万亿bbl(约合7000 亿-1万亿t)。待发现的新资源主要分布在极地、深海、以及南美、西非和其他勘探程度较低的地区。由此看来,我们面对化石能源消费为主的局面,还需要一个相当长的历史阶段。 面对这样一种能源消费格局及其所带来的环境变化等问题,我们唯一的选择:就是提高能源使用效率,控制能源消耗,改善能源消费方式,发展清洁能源技术,减少温室气体排放,以维持人类社会的可持续发展。就能源消费数量而言,目前发达国家的能源消费量远高于发展中国家。以OECD为例,其人口数量占世界总人口的18%,但能源消费量占世界总消费量的近30%,人均消费为17bbl油当量/年;而发展中国家的人均消费只有2.5bbl油当量/年(印度人均消费1bbl油当量/年;中国为2.1bbl油当量/年)。从能源消费增长来看,发展中国家的能源消费增长则高于发达国家,近10年来,世界能源消费年平均增长为1.5%左右(美欧等国还曾一度下降),而发展中国家增长平均为每年2.8%,亚洲和南美的一些新兴经济体的能源消费更是呈强势增长。但能源利用效率却不高,这些国家每增长1000美元GDP须消耗的能源为4.4bbl油当量,相当于美国和OECD国家能源消耗的三倍。这种差距反映了世界各国的经济技术发展水平处于不同的历史阶段,同时也展示了就全球而言节约能源消费存在着巨大空间。 在经济全球化的形势下,世界各国的能源供需和能源安全都是相互依存的,某一个国家或地区要脱离其它国家都不可能单独地、妥善地解决其能源的供应和安全问题。气候变暖等环境问题的解决,更需要全人类的共同努力。因此,我们认为,世界需要和谐,各国间需要沟通、交流、合作,面对合理有效利用地球资源、保护生态环境等全球性课题,要求我们必须相互协调,共同努力为实现人类社会的可持续发展多做贡献。 北京的金秋是一年中最美好的季节,举世瞩目的第29 届奥运会和残奥会刚刚结束,又迎来了全国人民共同的节日——第59个国庆节。北京发生了许多新的变化,欢迎大家在北京走一走,看一看,北京欢迎你,预祝大家在北京过得愉快。 谢谢各位。 编辑/刘 玲 图注1: WPC 中国国家委员会主任王涛博士(严肃 摄) 图注2: WPC 中国国家委员会主任王涛博士发言(严肃 摄) 图注3: 2008 中国国际能源论坛大会主席台(严肃 摄) 图注4: 2008 中国国际能源论坛大会现场代表(严肃 摄)
译文: Improving Energy Efficiency Developing Clean Energy Promoting Sustainable Development —— Doctor Wang Tao’s speech in China International Energy Forum 2008 Doctor Wang Tao: Minister in charge of Chinese National Committee for World Petroleum Council Director in charge of the Organizing Committee for China International Energy Forum 2008 Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen: Good morning everyone! China International Energy Forum 2008, co-hosted by Chinese National Committee for World Petroleum Council, Chinese National Committee for World Energy Council and Counselors Office of the State Council, is opened here today after one year’s preparation. On behalf of the organizing committee of this forum, I would like to extend our warm welcome and sincere gratitude to all the guests and delegates here. After repeated thinking and sufficient discussion, we identified the current topic for this forum: improving energy efficiency and developing clean energy. Since the second half of the 20th century, especially in the 21st century, with the social and economic development as well as the advancing of science and technology, the need for energy, which serves as the drive for the development of economy and technology, is increasing steadily. Some new economies in developing countries, especially in Asia and Latin America and so on, are in great demand of energy. Meanwhile, environmental problems such as global warming and so on have become more and more obvious due to the innumerous amount of fossil energy consumption. As a result, it will constitute a great challenge in the new era for the human society to solve energy security problems and the coordination problems between energy consumption and environmental protection. Science fossil fuel is the most optimal, effective and economic energy, from the perspective of current global economy development, it will still play a dominant role in energy supply. According to the latest statistics of International Energy Agency (IEA), the primary energy consumption structure in 2005 is: coal accounts for 25.3%, oil accounts for 35%, natural gas accounts for 20.5%, nuclear power accounts for 6.3%, hydro power accounts for 2.2%, biomass energy accounts for 10.1%, new energy and renewable energy account for the other 0.6%. This structure will hardly change in the foreseeable future. It is necessary to promote oil-substitute energies such as hydro energy, biomass energy, solar energy and wind energy etc. under the pressure of high international oil price, but the total proportion of these energies in energy structure will still be small in recent period of time. It is predicted that: by the year of 2030, fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas etc. will still account for 82% of the total primary energy consumption, thereinto, oil and natural gas account for 43.8%. However, it is a universal concern that whether there will be enough resources to meet this kind of need 20 years later. Some reports in the just held 19th World Petroleum Congress can provide us with very important information. According to the global oil resources evaluation by United States Geological Survey (USGS), the total exploited oil reserves is 1 trillion bbl (about 150 billion ton) so far, the total explored recoverable oil reserves under exploitation is 1 trillion bbl (about 167 billion ton), the oil reserves to be explored is 1 trillion bbl (200 billion bbl have already been found). And it is optimistically estimated that there are 5-7 trillion bbl (about 0.7-1 trillion ton) oil and gas resources to be explored. These resources are mainly distributed in polar region, abyssal region, South America, West Africa and some unexplored region. It can be seen that we are to confront with such situation as making fossil energy playing a dominant role in energy consumption for quite a long period. Faced with this kind of energy consumption structure and consequent environment–changing problems, we have only one choice : improving energy efficiency, controlling energy consumption, ameliorating energy consumption structure, developing clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emission to maintain the sustainable development of human society. In terms of energy consumption amount, developed country is higher than developing country. Take OECD for example, its population accounts for 18% in total global population, but its energy consumption amount accounts for nearly 30% in total global consumption, which means a 17 bbl oil equivalent per capita energy consumption per year, while it is 2.5 bbl oil equivalent per capita energy consumption per year in developing countries (India is 1 bbl, China is 2.1 bbl). In terms of energy consumption growth, developing country is higher than developed country. In the last 10 years, the average growth of global energy consumption is 1.5% each year (western countries even decreased for a time), and developing country is 2.8% of that, particularly some Asian and North American NIEs have a sharp growth in energy consumption. However, their energy efficiency is low, in that they have to consume 4.4 bbl oil equivalents per 1000 dollars’ growth, which equals to 3 times the efficiency in America and OECD countries. This difference shows the different development stages in different countries, as well as the huge improvement space in global energy conservation. Under the economic globalization circumstances, it is inseparable for the energy supply and demand and energy security around the globe. It is impossible for a single country or region to solve its energy supply and demand and energy security problems without other countries. The problem of climate warming needs more joint efforts around the globe. Therefore, in our opinion, we have to build a harmony world, every country needs to communicate, exchange and cooperate to confront with the global difficulties such as reasonable resource utilization and environmental protection. It is important for us to coordinate with each other to achieve the goal of sustainable development. The purpose of this forum is building a bridge of communicating, setting up a platform of exchange, to promote the communication, exchange and cooperation in energy around countries. I hope every guests and specialists present can show your views and open your dialogues, to exchange your experiences, introduce your advanced energy conservation technologies. And extend your in-depth discussion, promote international communication and cooperation, and make contribution to achieve mankind’s common goal: economic and social sustainable development and the coordination between energy and environment. Autumn is the most beautiful festival in Beijing, as the 29th Olympics and Paralympics just finished and the 59th National’s Day comes. A lot of changes have taken place in Beijing; I hope everyone can go sight-seeing here. Welcome to Beijing, and enjoy your time in Beijing. Thanks. Editor / Liu Ling Doctor Wang Tao, Minister in charge of Chinese National Committee for World Petroleum Council(Photo by Yan Su) Doctor Wang Tao, Minister in charge of Chinese National Committee for World Petroleum Council, is making his speech.(Photo by Yan Su) The rostrum of China International Energy Forum 2008 (Photo by Yan Su) The representatives of China International Energy Forum 2008 (Photo by Yan Su)
案例标题: 海通证券 证券研究报告 A股研究 策略专题
原文: 大约在夏季 ——2012年A股盈利预测和拐点判断 核心结论: 中性情景假设下,预计2012年全部A股净利润增速10%,盈利明显回升拐点出现在3季度。 主要逻辑: 中性情况下2012年全部A股盈利区间为10%。我们采用自上而下方法预测盈利主要是比较了过去十年中2004-2006年与2007-2009年两个盈利增速下滑的周期,发现目前的盈利下滑周期与2007-2009年周期的GDP、工业增加值、货币指标变动更相似,和2004-2006年周期CPI、PPI变动更相似。再结合两个周期盈利下滑幅度对比,推算出中性假设下,2012年全部A股盈利增速约为10%,剔除金融行业全部A股增速约为5%。 海通研究所自下而上推算全部A股和除金融以外全部A股盈利增速分别为14.2%和8.1%。根据自上而下方法推算的数值略高于自上而下方法,主要原因可能是研究员覆盖公司更优质以及盈利下调相对滞后的关系。我们根据朝阳永续一致预期也得到类似的结论。 2012年单季度盈利增速明显回升可能出现在3季度。GDP、工业增加值同步于盈利变动,货币供给M1、M2领先盈利变动2-4季度,CPI、PPI滞后盈利变动1-4个季度。2012年GDP在2-3季度触底,M1、M2最迟在1季度触底,CPI、PPI全年下行趋势,盈利底部可能出现在3季度。这和我们中性情景下,单季度盈利增速预测相吻合。2012年1-4季度单季度盈利增速预测分别为-7 %,-5.3%,8%和44%。 风险提示: 经济见底回升的时间和力度低于预期,使得盈利上升的时间推后。
译文: It seems to be in summer —Earnings forecast and judgment of turning point for A-share in 2012 Conclusion: Under the presumption of neutral rating, the net earnings of A-share in 2012 would increase by 10% and its rising turning point of earnings would appear in 3Q12. Major Logics: With neutral rating, the earnings growth rate of entire A-share is 10%. We adopt the method of calculating from top to bottom and forecast earnings mainly through comparing the cycle of downward trend of earnings growth from 2004 to 2006 as well as from 2007 to 2009 within the last ten years. It can be found that the current earnings downward cycle is more similar with the fluctuation of GDP, industrial added value, and monetary index during the cycle from 2007 to 2009, and more similar with the fluctuation of CPI, PPI within the cycle from 2004 to 2006. Combining with the comparison of the earnings downward trend within the two cycles, it is forecasted that under the circumstances of neutral rating the earnings growth rate of entire A-share in 2012 would be about 10%, and the earnings growth rate of entire A-share apart from the financial sector is about 5%. Haitong Securities Research Institute forecasts that the earnings growth rate of entire A-share and the entire A-share apart from the financial sector are 14.2% and 8.1% respectively by adopting the method of calculating from bottom to top. The figure calculated through the method of from bottom to top is higher than the figure calculated through the method of from top to bottom is mainly because of the selection of more superior companies by researchers as well as the relative delay of earnings decline. Meanwhile, we have got similar conclusion with Suntime’s consensus expectations. The obvious turning point of rising quarterly earnings growth will appear in 3Q12. GDP and industrial added value will change in the same pace with earnings, money supply M1, M2 will be in advance of earnings change for 2 to 4 quarters, and CPI, PPI will lag behind the earnings change for 1 to 4 quarters. In 2012, GDP would hit the bottom in 2-3Q12, M1 and M2 will reach the bottom line no later than 1Q12, and CPI and PPI will keep a downward trend within the whole year, the bottom of earnings growth may appear in 3Q12, which is in line with the forecast of quarterly earnings growth rate by us under neutral circumstance. As a result, the quarterly earnings growth rates of 1-4Q12 are forecasted to be -7%, -5.3%, 8% and 44% respectively. Risk tips: The time for rising earnings growth would appear later due to the true time and strength of economy to bottom out lower than the expectations.
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