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姓 名: 梁译员  [编号]:621 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 机械,建筑,电力等 出生年月: 1985/6/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 陕西 西安
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 翻译理论与实践
毕业时间: 41100 毕业学校: 四川外语学院
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 2 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 陕西 西安
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 时间灵活,可任意安排
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2007/6/1
获得分数: 良好
工作时期: 2007/10/1--2008/10/1
公司名称: 西安亚森通信股份有限公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 通信技术
所在部门: 国际业务部
职位: 英语坐席
自我评价: 两年英语翻译经验,一年以上英语广播节目主持播音经历,高中英语辅导,新概念教课专升本,考研学生英语辅导经历:诚实正直,认真负责,积极上进,乐于助人,善于沟通,适应力强,集体意识强而不失独立思考习惯,做事尽职尽责,尽心尽力,尽善尽美;
案例标题: CAD同步技术的应用
原文: In today’s global engineering environment, we’ve seen data from variety of sources being used in a single product. Had this got most information, while speed the development process is a major challenge. Using synchronous technology, we can take geometry originated in CAD systems and copy it into a new design. The shape can be adjusted in size, shape and orientation, significantly reducing the design time. Using traditional approaches, engineers have to plan for a use, imaging ahead what will be used in an element, relying on a creation history, forced to use and understand about the initial creation. Now we are in a real situation while the library item was added a year ago. Synchronous technology allows for on-demand reuse strategies, enabling geometries be quickly shared regardless of the data’s origin. In this case, synchronous technology enables you to use powerful engineering tools, for simulation driven design optimization, regardless of the origin of the data. Consider this plastic handle. With the design elaborated from the external supplier, an in-house team has been tasked of considering the alternatives to increase its strength. The problem is that the supplier’s model does not have any feature history. With traditional approaches, we will be forced to make major changes to the geometry, all that we’ve built the rib with parameters and then remeshing and reanalyzing it in each step. Using synchronous technology, out teammates simply add the exactly what they want and automated simulation can be performed on the top parts of the model, without worrying about overall of those variables, with the ability to add constrains to the model, where you need them and where you need them, regardless of the original data. You’ve now created a multi CAD data in today’s global product development marketplace.
译文: 在如今的全球工程领域,我们会发现一种产品却汇集了来源于多种渠道的数据。 获取众多数据并同时加速开发过程会成为一项重大的挑战。 应用同步技术,我们可以从CAD系统中提取几何图形并将其复制到新的设计图样中。 此外,图形的大小,形状以及方位都可以进行调整,大幅度缩减设计时间。 应用传统方法,工程师必须必须制定应用计划,提前设想某项元素中要应用的内容。他们必须依据创作历史,理解并应用最初始的创作内容。 现在由于一年前添加了程序库,我们进入了另外一种状态。同步技术支持立即响应式重复使用,使得来自不同终端的几何数据能实现快速共享。 这样一来,同步技术能使你不受数据来源的约束,应用强大的工程工具进行模拟设计优化。 可塑性操作 基于由外部提供商精心细致的设计,内部工作面临考虑备选方案以提高应对能力的重任。问题是提供商的模式并没有任何特色历史。如应用传统方式,我们必须去大幅度修改几何体,以及所有我们用以建立罗纹的参数并在每一步重新啮合和分析。 应用同步技术,外部的队友只需要添加他们所需要的具体数据,自动模拟就会在模型的上部部件间进行。因为拥有于模型设置约束条件的能力,所以所有变量的整体情况无需考虑也无需考虑原始数据。 现在就可以在当今全球产品开发市场制作出多样的CAD数据。
案例标题: 北京八达岭长城
原文: 八达岭长城:是最具代表性的明长城之一,被联合国列为世界人类文化遗产。这里是居庸关的前哨,海拔高达1015米,地势险要,城关坚固,历来是兵家必争之地。登上八达岭长城,极目远望,山峦起伏,雄沉刚劲的北方山势绵延不绝。长城因山势而雄伟,山势因长城更加险峻。 “不到长城非好汉”,长城是古今中外各界人士到北京游览的必到之所,迄今为止,包括尼克松、撒切尔夫人等在内的三百多位世界名人曾登上八达岭一览这里的山河秀色。 北海公园:位于北京城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,因与中海、南海分称三海而得名。全园以北海为中心,面积约71公顷。中国古代皇家园林,有近千年的历史,被誉为“世界上建园最早的皇城御园。 这里原是辽、金、元、明、清5个朝代逐渐修建而成的帝王宫苑,是我国现存最古老、最完整、最具综合性和代表性的皇家园林之一。全园以神话中的“一池三仙山”(太液池、蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲)构思布局,形式独特,富有浓厚的幻想意境色彩。
译文: As one of the most typical Great walls of Ming Dynasty, Badaling Great Wall has been listed by the UN as one of the world cultural heritages. Being the outpost of Juyongguan pass, it rises to an altitude of 1015 meters and occupies a geographically strategic position with impregnable defence, which makes it a crucial place historically contested by all. Standing on Badaling Great Wall while stretching your view far to the distance, you will find in your vision rolling grand and sturdy mountains that are typical of Northern China stretching to no end. The Great Wall and the mountains impose more arduousness and grandeur to each other respectively. "He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man." The Great Wall is a must for people from all times and all lands. So far, there are over 300 world celebrities have climbed the Badaling Great Wall to enjoy the great scenery, including former US president Richard Nixon and former British Minister Margaret Thatcher and so on. Beihai Park is located to the west of Jingshan Mountain in inner Beijing City and to the northwest of the Imperial Palace. It derives this name because there are three seas separated including Beihai, Zhonghai and Nanhai (Geographically referred to as the North, middle and the south seas.) The park which takes Beihai as the center occupies an area of about 71 hectares. The history of royal parks in ancient China which are reputed as the Oldest Royal Parks in the World could be traced back to about 1000 years ago. The site used to be imperial parks consecutively built up by 5 dynasties including Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, constituting one of the oldest and most complete, comprehensive and typical imperial parks. Designed and structured with the conception of " A pool with three Fairy Moutains"( Namely, Taiye Pool, Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou Mountains), the park bears strong features of illusion and fantasy.
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