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编辑:  admin  点击次数:   827  发布时间:    2014/5/14 14:54:11

From VOA Learning English, this is the Technology Report.

Two large Internet companies Facebook and Google recently purchased two India-based technology start-up companies. India is home to tens of thousands of computer software engineers and a growing information technology industry. The sales of the start-up companies are expected to influence others to launch businesses in the country.

Facebook closed its deal to buy Little Eye Labs in early January. Four engineers in Bangalore launched Little Eye Labs about a year and a half ago. The company builds mobile application software tools, the deal is set to be worth between 10 and 15 million dollars. It is the first time Facebook has purchased an Indian start-up company.
一月初,Facebook完成了购买Little Eye Labs的交易。班加罗尔的四名工程师在大约一年半前创办了Little Eye Labs。该公司开发移动应用软件工具。该交易价值在1000万到1500万美元之间。这是Facebook首次购买一家印度初创公司。

Google bought the cyber security company Imperium. Imperium has offices in Bangalore and California. Media reports set the value of the deal at about $9 million.

The two deals are considered small but important. Experts say they will help increase interest in Indian start-ups among phone technology companies, such businesses often buy small companies either for the technology they develop or the ability of their creators.

Rutvik Doshi is with Inventus Capital Partners, an investment company in Bangalore.
Rutvik Doshi就职于Inventus Capital Partners,这是一家位于班加罗尔的投资公司。
"Till date none of these large U.S. companies had ever acquired anything in India to write home about. If they both turn out to be successful for these respective companies, they will start looking at India more seriously, in terms of there is more talent, there is more technology, and entrepreneurship happening here,” said Doshi.

Indian software engineers have gained recognition around the world. Most of the engineers work for big Indian technology companies, but the number of Indian technology start-up companies is on the rise. Rising money for the start ups is not always easy.

Rajesh Sawhney help to create a company called GSF Accelerator, it provided financial support for Little Eye Labs. Mr Sawhney says most of the start-ups in India have worked on developing products for the home market. But he says the recent deals with Facebook and Google will lead investors and business people to widen their efforts.
拉杰什·桑尼(Rajesh Sawhney)帮助创建了一家名为GSF Accelerator的公司。该公司为LittleEye Labs提供了资金支持。桑尼先生表示,印度多数初创公司都致力于为国内市场开发产品。但他表示,最近和Facebook以及Google的交易将引领投资者和商界人士拓宽他们的努力。

"The time now is to encourage these start ups to start thinking global and that is what [the] internet allows today. We need to encourage our bright, young talent in India to start building products for world markets like Israelis have done or like U.S. start-ups do,” said Sawhney.

Bangalore’s successful technology services and outsourcing industry mostly does back office work for Western companies. But this work has put India on the technology map, the success that the industry has created will help open the door to future growth.

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