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编辑:  admin  点击次数:   539  发布时间:    2014/6/5 11:08:40
From VOA Learning English, this is the Technology Report.
Not everything you see in Hollywood movies is real. Some of the beautiful, strange, scary images might have been produced on a computer. They are called visual effects. They once were produced only in Hollywood, but that has changed. New technology makes it possible for one film to include visual effects created in different countries.

Venkatesh Roddam is the chief executive officer of Reliance MediaWorks in India.
文卡塔斯·罗达姆(Venkatesh Roddam)是印度信实媒体(Reliance MediaWorks)的首席执行官。

"In the last five to seven years is where you've seen an explosion of content getting processed in different parts of the world, Not just India, but China, Taiwan, Korea, India; these are all the markets that content from Hollywood is going to," said Roddam.

Dave Rand is a co-founder of the Association of Digital Artists, Professionals &Technicians. He says that sending visual effects work overseas hurts U.S. companies.
戴夫·兰德(Dave Rand)是美国数码艺术家、专家和技术人员协会的联合创始人。他说,将视觉特效工作送到海外去制作伤害了美国公司。

"I've been at 12 different visual effects companies. [I've] been on the staff of five, all of which have gone bankrupt for one reason or another; basically it's only two, the way we work and the subsidy race that's driven so many of them out of business," said Dave Rand.

Daniel Lay is the association's other founder, he believes U.S. federal courts should get involved in Hollywood's use of visual effects made by foreign companies.
丹尼尔·莱(Daniel Lay)是该协会另一位创始人。他认为美国联邦法院应该介入到好莱坞使用外国公司制作视觉特效一事上。

"The United States government puts very strong anti-subsidy laws that have been around for years that allow for domestic industries that are being injured by these international subsidies to seek relief through the trade courts," Lay said.

Mr. Lay says he wants a tax ordered on work produced outside the U.S. Not surprisingly, Venkatesh Roddam of Reliance MediaWorks does not agree.

"It's not a progressive idea. You are actually artificially pumping up the cost. You are limiting talent availability," said Roddam.

Kunal Chindarkar works in Singapore for the visual effects company Double Negative. He says he learns a lot working on Hollywood movies with people from all over the world. His co-workers at Double Nagetive include people from Australia, France and the United Kingdom.
Kunal Chindarkar就职于新加坡Double Negative特效公司。他说,在和来自世界各地的人们共同制作好莱坞电影中,他受益良多。他有些同事来自澳大利亚、法国和英国。

Venkatesh Roddam says working with Hollywood improves the quality of work worldwide. He says it is important for visual effects companies to have a presence in the U.S.

"You cannot survive in this marketplace without a physical presence here. So from that perspective, companies like ours will continue to create American jobs in America, rather than actually think about how much of this work is going to Canada or U.K. or India or China," said Roddam.

He says the visual effects industry will continue to develop. He adds that those who want to stay in the business will have to continue to change with it.

And that's the VOA Learning English Technology Report. For more technology stories, go to our website 51voa.com. Give us a like on the VOA Learning English Facebook page. Follow us on twitter at VOA Learning English. You can also watch vedios on the VOA Learning English YouTube Channel. I'm Jonathan Evans.
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